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Week 1 | The journey begins!

Each year the Milab at Reichman University provides a brief for the yearly project. This year, the brief was 🍕 FOOD 🍔. Most people love food, so we were excited to take this topic and improve the connection between people and food.

In order to start brainstorming ideas, we heard two guest lecturers speak about their professional connection to the food industry. After the enriching talks, we went and started coming up with ideas, from the most mundane ideas like food deliveries to some extremes like helping people on the autistic spectrum with deadly allergies learn how to avoid those allergens.

We chose 3 main domains for us to interview experts on in order for us to decide on our one domain for the year.

Our 3 domains are:

  • The connection between people on the autistic spectrum and food

  • Eating Disorders

  • Diets

During this upcoming week, we will all interview industry experts from the three chosen domains in order to learn and further deepen our understanding of these domains and their potential problems, in hopes we will be able to solve one!


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