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Week 22 | Finalizing Video and Pitch


This week we focused on finishing all the deliverables we have to create by the end of the semester: Demo pitch, text for Milab website, demo presentation and started filming and editing the final product video. At the same time we continued with our weekly user evaluation and got to the 3rd and final recipe. Once again the feedback was super positive and we are content with the results we have come to - the user felt like he had gained knowledge throughout the past 3 sessions, and would have liked to continue using the app :)


This week, our focus expanded to include the development of a trivia game from scratch. We began by constructing the necessary components in the database and fetching the required information from the server, similar to what we had previously done with recipes and other app features. Next, we created the different components for a memory game, ensuring the information was divided into two categories while maintaining the ability to track correct pairs. We also implemented the app's recognition system for identifying when a correct or incorrect pair was selected. After lots of bugs, the game is now up and running!

In addition to the trivia game, we continued to enhance the functionality of every element within the app. This includes adding options to order future cocktail kits directly from the app, and a new button that allows users to scan a new QR code.

As we approach the final stages of app development, we are now focusing on adding the finishing touches - stay tuned!


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