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Week 16 | Dev and Testing

Dev Side - General layout - androidstudio!

This week we started building the architecture of the app. We decided to build the Data-base of the recipes using openAI.

We will next be doing a research about openAi API, build a syllabus for our first kit and connect it all to our project on android-studio!! Busy week ahead of us!😊

Product Side - Continuation of user testing and mentorship sessions

Throughout the holidays we continued conducting user tests on our newer iterations and designs. We added the whole “about” lesson flow and are looking forward to finishing the first draft of the whole app. We had 2 important meetings: 1. a 2nd meeting with Hezzi, our UX mentor who sat with us for a double session to review usability issues we discovered in our user testing and help us come up with a solution. The issue was that users didn’t understand that they needed to click on the sticky button on the home screen to scan the box in order to begin and open their kit. 2. a UI session with Maayan, UX lead from Amdocs, she went over our color palette that we chose before the meeting, the values of the colors (purple and orange), and suggested that a dark mode design with very bright primary colors might be best for our use case in order to create a fun yet exclusive look and feel, the same that cocktails provides its consumers.


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