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Week 17 | Connecting physical to digital, QR Scanners and more


After getting valuable input from Ofir, our Milab mentor, in which he told us to focus more attention on creating more interactions between the physical kit and the digital app we went through several brain storming sessions in order to try and get this right and create something truly unique in the field. In addition, we had a UX copy session with a professional, Maya who guided us towards conducting copy research, in order to deeply understand the language our users will want to be able to speak once they learn the cocktail skill. Our efforts this week were really focused on getting down the kit-app interaction and micro-copy.


This week we worked on coding the QR Scanner for the app. We worked on connecting the app to the internet in order to properly scan the QR code, and using APIs from Google in order to do so! As of now it looks like it’s up and running, here’s a glimpse into that:

(It might not look like it, but this means that it works on the emulator!)


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