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Week 18 | More Design and Coding Bugs


This week our focus was on 3 main things: 1. user testing; 2. UI fixes; 3. writing the script for our final product video. We had a meeting with Hezi who helped us with the nitty gritty UI fixes that really do make a HUGE difference, both in our icons we used throughout and also in the recipe design. On the user testing front we mostly had very positive feedback, users did not encounter any issues, although they did suggest some tweaks to the story flow UI. We wrote the first draft of the final product video and will continue working on that throughout the week.


This week we've been hard at work on the code for the screens that will showcase the cocktail recipes. Mayan and Arielle have been working on this from several angles:

  1. Coding the layout on the client side with Android Studio. We dived into coding utilizing XML and Java to craft interactive screens.

  2. Building a recipe database using MongoDB by organizing each recipe's ingredients, measurements, preparation steps, and more in a JSON format.

  3. Integration between the client and server using Node.js. This part is full of bugs as of now, but we’re hoping to squash them in the next few days!

In order to stay on track with all our tasks, we opened up a Trello board to show our progress - we’ll keep updating as we continue to complete the assignments!


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