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Week 19 | Work, Work, Work!


This week, we achieved a major breakthrough in our cocktail making app - we have successfully implemented a connection between the client and the server, specifically for our cocktail recipe screens! This allows our app to effectively transmit HTTP requests from the client to our recipe database on MongoDB. Consequently, we can now effortlessly retrieve and parse recipes, presenting all the ingredients and steps across multiple screens. This implementation forms the backbone of our application's architecture, so we are very excited! We move forward to the next phase of development - our focus will now shift towards the home page.

(of course pay no attention to the layout, we are currently working on the functionality of the application and will later implement the amazing UI that our teammates have been working hard on in product 😄)


This week, we started our evaluation tests, and our goal was to understand if the app solves our main pain - empowerment and raising the user’s self esteem. Our insights were super valuable and we understand that we are achieving our goal, which is amazing! 🤩

In addition, we also worked on our movie script which we started last week. Hopefully we will get a green light on it and start filming the actual movie. 🤞🏻

We are looking forward to our final event next month and work hard to make it perfect!


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