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Week 2 | Expert Interviews

This week's main focus was to interview industry experts for our three chosen domains to learn more about the potential problems in each field.

In order for us to approach these experts in a professional way (which will hopefully help us move forward with our selection of a domain), during our Milab class, we learned how to interview, specifically for these kinds of interviews, which type of questions we can and should ask, how to avoid interview and interviewee bias and best practices for this research.

After the class, we met up as a group and wrote our interview questions, and once we got the green light from Noa and Ofir, off we went and interviewed several experts.

Who did we interview?

  • The connection between people on the autistic spectrum and food:

    • Two mothers to 3 children on the autistic spectrum, aged from 3-20 years old

  • Eating Disorders:

    • Two Board-certified dietitians specializing in eating disorders

  • Diets:

    • Two Board-certified dietitians

All of the interviews were insightful and enriching. We discovered pain points we weren't even aware exist for these populations. In order to decide with which domain we move forward, we summarized our findings from the interviews, and next on our list is to understand which domain the group as a whole finds interesting to work on for the rest of the year!


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