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Week 20 | Evaluation and Databases


Last week marked a significant development milestone for our app development! We managed to connect between several features that we worked on separately - the QR scanner, the homepage, and the recipes. Now our app sucessfully scans a QR code and loads all the lessons and recipes for the kit, dynamically creates a homepage for the kit, and allows you to choose which recipe and lesson you want (without hardcoding!).

This advancement was made possible by our diligent work on several databases over the week and through dynamic server requests. The architecture we're building allows for flexibility and scalability, making the app ready for future growth.

We also started to work on the layout of the app - matching up the apps layout to the Figma design. This has been much more of a challenge than expected, but we hope to figure out the trick and smooth it out soon!

This coming week we want to work on the User Database: streamlining the registration and login process , and saving the progress for each lesson in the kit. Stay tuned!


Throughout this past week we worked on finalizing the movie script and transferring our blog and site from Notion to Wix! In addition, in order to truly evaluate if our product fulfills its purpose, and people truly feel empowered and like they've learned a new skill, we started a 3 week period where we will let a potential user truly go through the learning process - completing lessons and 3 recipes. The first findings from week 1 are very similar to the positive reactions we got from the past tests we did, and hopefully these upcoming 2 weeks will prove the apps' value.


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