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Week 3 | User Interviews

Now that we have completed our expert interviews, this week we were tasked with deciding on our main domain! Our interviews led us toward the domain of food allergies and food-related diseases.

During our weekly class at the Milab, we needed to define our target population. The group was pretty confused about who and what to focus on since there are MANY types of food allergies and food-related diseases.

Finally, we gathered a slight sense of direction and decided we will interview several populations within our domain, and afterward decide on who we will focus on.

Our different populations:

  • People who have food allergies

  • People with Epilepsy who have changed their diet to a keto diet due to the illness

  • People with Colitis, since it is an illness that is characterized by a diet change, and is triggered by food

After these user interviews, we will reconvene as a group next week to decide on our target population.


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