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Week 5 | Needs Presentation

This week we made a huge leap forward with our domain!

We interviewed a board-certified IBD Therapist and 2 people who live with an IBD. These interviews helped connect us even further to the subject, both emotionally and professionally.

During our Milab class, we presented to all the students in the course and our 3 mentors: Noa, Ofir, and Eran our specific domain, the problem, and the user needs.

Watch part of our live presentation!

Our group together with Eran, a CS mentor.

After we heard all the other groups’ presentations, our next assignment was to create an empathy map for our persona.

In addition, throughout the week we refined our “how might we” question so it would be specific to a certain context.

Our new question:

How might we help Rona feel confident in mediating her disease to a stranger on her first date after being diagnosed with an IBD?


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