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Week 6 | BIG pivot


All throughout last week, we kept conducting interviews with people who suffer from IBD diseases. Though the interviews were fascinating, we had one big problem: None of the interviewees explicitly stated or even touched on the subject of embarrassment when telling a stranger about their condition.

This issue bothered us, since we cannot continue with this domain, and create a product for which we cannot verify there is a need for it!

We arrived at this week's Milab class with concern, and Noa told us we should change our subject altogether! We were prepared for this answer since we knew ourselves we would probably need to switch it, but still, it is a very difficult thing to do, especially since this week's class was to start thinking of solutions for the problem!

New Domain!

Regardless, we thought quickly on our feet about a new domain with which we can continue, and our new idea was cocktails 🍹. With this new idea for a domain, we continued the class with the rest of the groups and tried to think of different ideas for an app, even though we did not have a problem yet.

Once the class ended, we set up a very rigid timeline for the upcoming week. We rewrote interview questions both for end users and experts in order to find their pain points, and agreed we would each interview at least 2 people by Saturday, at which we would meet up and decide on the pain point on which we would like to focus for our project, write a persona, a “how might we?” questions and all in all - try to make up for the lost time and catch up to the other groups.

Creating a timeline of when a user might need to use our app

Sivan and Mayan presenting the timeline to the class

Brainstorming ideas for apps

WISH US LUCK! (we need it)


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