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Week 7 | Catching up

During this past week, we knew we had to put in a lot of work to catch up with the rest of the groups. We interviewed 10+ people (both end users and experts), and the interviews were helpful for us to understand which issues exist revolving around cocktails.

At the Milab class, we really honed in on the pain point we want to address - the lack of accessible and easy-to-learn knowledge about cocktails. Most of our interviewees said they want to learn how to make cocktails since they wish to expand their variety of drinks, and that drinking a cocktail provides them the feeling that they are a bit more mature and grown up.

We workshopped scenarios in which a user would actually engage with our product and did a “Learn From the Best” exercise where we picked existing products (both physical and digital) and picked one of their features that they do best, in order for us to brainstorm solutions for our product.


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