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Week 8 | Solutions, solutions, solutions

This week we started thinking about SOLUTIONS! 🎉

During this week's class, we understood we have to go back and do a proper competitive analysis for the cocktail domain. We researched the solutions, whilst deciding to focus on digital mobile solutions - meaning apps. Our research found that there are many apps, though most of them seem to be outdated and technically non-functional.

We decided to analyze the competition based on how synchronous/non-synchronous the recipe-making experience is, meaning, does the app go step by step together with the user? or does it give one chunk of text and the user is left on their own to read and follow through?

In addition, we analyzed based on how personalized/general the app is, meaning, does the app learn the users preferred flavors? Does it recommend new recipes based on previous drinks? Does it allow inputting existing ingredients the user might have in the house, and suggesting a possible drink out of those ingredients?

Competitive analysis diagram:

Afterward, we worked on a 4 step flow chart, to help us break down exactly the users’ actions, and the chain response that a certain action created, through the backend process the app does technically to process the action, and to the systems’ feedback to the user.

4 steps flow chart:

Next week we will do a “speed pitching” session to tech and product industry experts where we’ll pitch our solution. It’ll be intense and for sure eye-opening and informative. Stay tuned!


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