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Week 9 | Speed Mentoring

In last week's Milab class we had a speed mentoring session, where 4 different mentors from the industry listened to our product pitch and discussed their views on the product, pain points and different possible solutions.

Each mentoring session was 20 minutes long and was super insightful and important to have. The main points which repeated themselves were that our pain point wasn’t clear enough, and needed to have more “meat” to it, and that the solution should be geared towards learning a new skill rather than learning to make a cocktail for the fun of it. In addition, we also heard some great ideas for business plans, such as partnering with local bars and creating a monthly subscription box for the cocktail ingredients.

Following the class we mapped out the main points from the mentors, and based on that we decided to further validate our need using a survey, educate ourselves more about the process of gaining a skill, and refine and redefine our persona.


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